Profiling catalog assets fails with SCAPIException: CDICO0103E message in Watson Query
Profiling catalog assets fails if IBM Knowledge Catalog is not authorized to access data in Watson Query.
When you try to profile catalog assets from Watson Query in IBM Knowledge Catalog, you might see a SCAPIException:CDICO0103E message. You are not authorized and the message indicates Connection authorization failure occurred.
Resolving the problem
To allow profiling of catalog assets, ensure that the following prerequisites steps are completed.
- Create an instance of the Cloud Object Storage service and configure IBM Knowledge Catalog to use it. For more information, see Configuring Cloud Object Storage for project and catalog creation.
- Authorize the Watson™
Knowledge Catalog service to access data in your Watson Query instance.
- Log in to your IBM® Cloud account where IBM Knowledge Catalog and Watson Query instances are provisioned.
- From the menu, select .
- Select Create + to create a new service-to-service authorization.
- Select IBM Knowledge Catalog service as the Source and Watson Query service as the Target.
- Select DataAccess role for service access.
- Click Authorize.
- Ensure that at least one data class exists in your account under .
- Ensure that the user who runs profiling runs it from the same IBM Cloud account that the Watson Query instance belongs to.