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What are the reference data sets in Knowledge Accelerators

Reference data sets in Knowledge Accelerators

The Knowledge Accelerators provide industry specific reference data sets containing code values, such as account status codes and customer status codes.

A reference data set can contain many reference data values that have a code and associated value. The Reference data in the Knowledge Accelerators is mapped to the terms in the Business Core Vocabulary. The reference data sets can be extended or customized with values from existing data sources. These data sets and values can be used as input to create new data classes to extend and supplement the data classes that are already provided by IBM Knowledge Catalog and the Knowledge Accelerators. These data classes can help to profile data sources and to govern data.

Table 1. Reference data and value examples
Industry Reference Data Set Name Description Primary Category Reference Data Values Business Terms
Cross Industry Personal Document Type Classifies the document by its type or subject matter as a document that may contain personal information. Person
  • Birth Certificate
  • Call Log
  • Contract
  • Tax Statement
Energy and Utilities AssetModelUsageKind Asset Model Usage Kind Usage for an asset model. Enumeration
  • customerSubstation
  • distributionOverhead
  • distributionUnderground
  • Other
  • streetlight
  • substation
  • transmission
  • unknown
  • Usage Type
  • AssetModelUsageKind
Financial Services Property Valuation Method A term that distinguishes between Real Properties according to the method used to value them. Business Activity
  • Agent Valuation‬‬
  • Automated Valuation Model Valuation
  • Desktop Valuation‬
  • Drive By
  • External Inspection Only
  • Full Inspection
  • Prior Appraisal Used
  • Tax Authority Valuation‬
Property Valuation Method
Healthcare AllergyIntoleranceSeverity Clinical assessment of the severity of a reaction event as a whole, potentially considering multiple different manifestations. ValueSet
  • Mild
  • Moderate
  • Severe
  • AllergyIntolerance.criticality
  • Patient Adverse Reaction Severity
  • Patient Allergy Severity
  • AllergyIntoleranceSeverity
Insurance Calculation kind Identifies a classification of Calculation Specifications according to their kind. Reference Data
  • Adjustment calculation
  • Amendment premium calculation
  • Benefit calculation
  • Commission calculation
  • Interest calculation
  • Loan balance calculation
  • Premium calculation
  • Premium payment calculation
  • Price calculation
  • Surrender calculation
  • Calculation specification kind

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