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The Subcategories of Business Scopes

Subcategories of Business Scopes

A subcategory, which is intended to provide the basis for grouping the Business Scopes. These scope categories will only contain references to terms in other areas.

Table 1. Subcategories of Business Scopes examples
Industry Category name Description Terms
Cross Industry Personal Data A Business Scope that groups terms for Personal Data addressing personal, identifying, sensitive, and related information of individuals. The classifications include Personal Information (PI), and Sensitive Personal Information (SPI).
  • Age
  • Blood Group
  • Date of Birth
  • ...
Energy and Utilities Outage Overview A category that groups business terms that support outage context.
  • Estimated Restoration Outage
  • Estimated Restoration
  • Outage Region
  • ...
Financial Services Financial Markets Trading A Business Scope that specifies the main terms involved in the trading of Financial Market Instruments. This Business Scope includes terms relating to communications, financial markets transactions and their components, and the various parties involved in the transactions as Customers, Issuers, Places Of Trade, Brokers and Intermediaries.
  • Financial Institution Correspondent‬
  • Financial Market Transaction
  • Trading Account Arrangement
  • ...
Financial Services Basel Disclosures Alignment Scope This alignment scope includes all of the business terms from the Business Core Vocabulary that support the scope of application of disclosure requirements, along with requirements on the location, frequency, timing of reporting, assurance considerations and guiding principles on high-quality disclosures.
  • Basel Risk Exposure Type
  • Risk Weighting
  • Transaction Date
Healthcare Insurance Policy And Coverage A category that groups business terms that support insurance policy and coverage.
  • Agreement
  • Claim Insurance Policy
  • Health Plan Product / Provider
  • ...
Insurance Claim Management This is a logical grouping of project scopes around the business theme of claims management.
  • Accounting period
  • Claim benefit payment
  • Policy transaction
  • ...
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