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How IBM Knowledge Catalog relationships are used in Knowledge Accelerators

Relationships in Knowledge Accelerators

The Knowledge Accelerators use a range of different relationship types. Each relationship type has a specific usage that is consistently applied throughout the Knowledge Accelerators.

The different usage of relationships across the Knowledge Accelerators is described in the following table.

Table 1. Relationships in the Knowledge Accelerators
Relationship Name Type of Relationship Usage in IBM Knowledge Accelerators Referenced artifacts
Is a type of / Has a type of Standard
  • Describes the Type Hierarchy between Concept Terms in the Business Core Vocabulary
  • Describes the type hierarchy between Document Terms in the Industry Alignment Vocabularies
  • When used in conjunction with a role tag, describes a broad equivalence or role between two Concept Terms
  • Concept Terms
  • Alignment Terms
Is a part of / Has a part of Standard
  • Describes the relationship between a Concept Term and its associated Property Terms
  • Describes the relationship between a Performance Analysis Term and its associated Property or Measure Terms
  • Concept Terms
  • Property Terms
  • Performance Analysis Terms
  • Measure Terms
Other related business terms Standard
  • Describes the Concept Term to which another Concept is directly related.
  • Describes the Concept Term that a Property Term is related to as part of an explicit Concept to Concept Relationship.
  • Property Term
  • Concept Term
Is Primary Category of Standard
  • Describes where a Category is the owning category for a term. Relationship is not used in the Business Scopes.
  • Any Term
  • Categories except those in the Business Scopes
Is Secondary Category of Standard
  • Describes where a Category is referencing a Term owned by another Category.
  • Any Term
  • Categories
Is Parent / Child Category of Standard
  • Describes where a Category is a parent or child of another Category.
  • Any Category
Synonyms Standard
  • Describes a term that is a synonym of another term.
  • Terms in the Synonyms category are synonyms of terms in the Business Core Vocabulary
Assigned To / Assigned From Standard
  • Describes the mapping between Terms in the Industry Alignment Vocabularies and the Business Core Vocabulary.
  • Concept Term
  • Measure Term
  • Property Term
  • Alignment Term
Derives / Derived From Standard
  • Describes where a measure term is derived from one or more business or measure terms.
  • Measure Term
  • Concept Term
  • Property Term
Analyzes / Is Analyzed By Standard
  • Describes what are the indicators in the performance area analyzed by, for example a concept or a property term.
  • Concept Terms
  • Property Terms
  • Performance Analysis Terms

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