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Financial Services Business Scopes available for separate import

Financial Services Business Scopes available for separate import

The Knowledge Accelerator for Financial Services has available the following Business Scopes available for separate download and import.

Each Business Scope consists of:
  • A set of business terms with:
    • Concept terms describing the main concepts for each business scope
    • Property terms that describe the attributes or characteristics of the Concept terms
  • An associated set of Referencing subcategories that classify these terms
  • A set of reference data sets and associated reference data values
  • A set of data classes leveraging included reference data sets or pattern values
  • Sample policies and governance rules in the area of data privacy
Data Privacy
A business scope that groups terms for data privacy that includes a taxonomy of terms addressing the personal information of individuals and mappings of core business terms to the GDPR and CCPA regulations.
The data privacy scope is comprised of two subcategories:
Personal Data
A set of business terms with classifications to guide the identification of Personal Information (PI) and Sensitive Personal Information (SPI). This set of terms is not intended to be a definitive standard for data privacy and protection requirements, as the classifications of PI and SPI may vary in different legal jurisdictions. The scope is designed to be a template to accelerate governance of data privacy information. The main concepts covered in this business scope include:
Personal Data Concepts
  • Affiliations
    • Affiliation Document
    • Organization
  • Basic Personal Information
    • Address
    • Household
    • Individual
  • Beliefs, Views & Opinions
    • Organization Membership
    • Social Media Post
  • Criminal & Offence Activity
    • Criminal Event
    • Fraud
  • Education & Skills
    • Education Certificate
  • Finance
    • Annual Pay Statement
    • Credit Assessment
    • Payment Card
  • Health & Biometric
    • Facial Image
    • Fingerprint
    • Medical Certificate
  • Human Resources
    • Business Travel
    • Employee
    • Employee Contract
    • Employment Position
  • ID - Government
    • Birth Certificate
    • Driver License
    • Work Permit
  • ID - Other
    • Accreditation ID Document
    • Employment ID Document
  • Personal Communication
    • Complaint Response
    • Notification
    • Request
    • Video Recording
  • Personal Location
    • Individual Residence Address
    • Internet Protocol Address
  • Personal Preference Information
    • Data Processing Consent Arrangement
    • Preferred Contact Point
  • Online Activities
    • Page Access Activity
    • Social Media Persona
    • Website Visit
  • Online Behavior
    • Conversion Activity
    • Social Media Reaction
  • Schedules
    • Business Meeting
    • Business Travel
  • Telephony & Video
    • Call Audio
    • Video Image
Regulatory Alignment
The Knowledge Accelerator for Financial Services contains key terms from two leading data privacy regulations, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulatory terms are related to the business terms within the Business Core Vocabulary, which helps data users identify enterprise information that is relevant to these regulations.
Banking Customers
A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of the Financial Institution's Individual and Organization Customers, their Household and family relationships, financial status, ratings and contact preferences. The main concepts covered in this business scope include:
Banking Customers Concepts
  • Involved Party
    • Customer
    • Individual
    • Organization
    • Preference Information
  • Arrangement
    • Arrangement
    • Customer Arrangement Relationship
  • Common
    • Currency
  • Location
    • Telephone Address
  • Group
    • Household
Credit Cards
A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of the Financial Institution's Credit Card products, including the specific arrangements with Customers and the transactions representing the financial movements on the arrangements. The main concepts covered in this business scope include:
Credit Cards Concepts
  • Arrangement
    • Credit Card Arrangement
    • Line Of Credit Arrangement
    • Customer Arrangement Relationship
  • Common
    • Currency
  • Condition
    • Interest Rate Condition
  • Documentation
    • Credit Card
  • Group
    • Risk Rating
  • Involved Party
    • Card Holder
    • Customer
    • Individual
    • Merchant
    • Organization
  • Product
    • Credit Card Line Of Credit
    • Credit Card Service
    • Credit Protection Service
  • Transaction
    • Account Closure
    • Account Opening
    • Balance Transfer
    • Cash Advance Transaction
    • Cash Back Transaction
    • Charge Back Transaction
    • Credit Card Purchase
    • Interest Credit Transaction
    • Payment Card
    • Payment Transfer
Loans And Mortgages
A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of Loans and Mortgages including the product details, the specific arrangements with Customers, the purchased property, security provided and transactions on the arrangements. The main concepts covered in this business scope include:
Loans And Mortgages Concepts
  • Arrangement
    • Loan Arrangement
    • Mortgage Arrangement
    • Collateral Arrangement
    • Guarantee Arrangement
    • Security Arrangement
    • Customer Arrangement Relationship
  • Common
    • Currency
  • Condition
    • Interest Rate Condition
  • Group
    • Risk Rating
  • Involved Party
    • Customer
    • Individual
    • Organization
  • Product
    • Mortgage
    • Term Loan
  • Property
    • Property
    • Real Property
  • Transaction
    • Account Closure
    • Account Opening
    • Interest Credit Transaction
    • Loan Disbursement Transaction
    • Loan Repayment
    • Payment Transfer
AML Suspicious Transactions
A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of transactions and activities that affect financial balances of retail accounts so pattern abnormalities and suspicious behavior can be established. The main concepts covered in this business scope include:
AML Suspicious Transactions Concepts
  • Arrangement
    • Arrangement
    • Customer Arrangement Relationship
  • Common
    • Currency
    • Industry Classification
  • Communication
    • Payment Instruction
  • Group
    • Blocklist
    • Channel
  • Documentation
    • Payment Card
  • Involved Party
    • Customer
    • Individual
    • Financial Institution
    • Merchant
    • Organization
    • Payment Service Provider
  • Location
    • Country
    • Postal Address
    • Postcode Area
    • State
  • Property
    • Property
  • Transaction
    • Account Closure
    • Account Opening
    • Cash Advance Transaction
    • Credit Card Purchase
    • Currency Exchange
    • Deposit Transaction
    • Loan Repayment
    • Payment Transfer
    • Withdrawal
Credit Risk Mitigation
A Business Scope that groups terms supporting the assessment of the risk of credit loss to the Financial Institution, and the mitigants in place to reduce the risk of such potential losses. The main concepts covered in this business scope include:
Credit Risk Mitigation Concepts
  • Arrangement
    • Account Facility Arrangement
    • Loan Arrangement
    • Mortgage Arrangement
    • Netting Arrangement
    • Collateral Arrangement
    • Guarantee Arrangement
    • Security Arrangement
    • Customer Arrangement Relationship
  • Common
    • Currency
  • Communication
    • Risk Assessment
  • Documentation
    • Security Arrangement Document
  • Group
    • Credit Risk Mitigation Portfolio
    • Credit Risk Portfolio
    • Hedge Relationship Portfolio
    • Netting Portfolio
    • Risk Rating
  • Involved Party
    • Customer
    • Individual
    • Organization
  • Product
    • Finance Service
  • Property
    • Allowance
    • Chattel
    • Financial Property
    • Provision
    • Real Property
  • Transaction
    • Accounting Transaction
Payments Data
A Business Scope that groups terms describing characteristics of inward and outward payments for the Financial Institution. The main concepts covered in this business scope include:
Payments Data Concepts
  • Arrangement
    • Account Arrangement
    • Account Facility Arrangement
    • Payment Service Arrangement
    • Settlement Arrangement
    • Transfer Service Arrangement
  • Common
    • Currency
  • Communication
    • Payment Instruction
  • Condition
    • Exchange Rate
  • Documentation
    • Payment Card
    • Subscriber Identity Module Card
  • Group
    • Channel
  • Involved Party
    • Customer
    • Clearing Institution
    • Financial Institution
    • Individual
    • Merchant
    • Payment Service Provider
    • Organization
  • Product
    • Merchant Service
    • Payment Collection Service
    • Payment Service
    • Settlement Service
    • Transfer Service
  • Transaction
    • Payment Transfer
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