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Anomaly node (SPSS Modeler)

Anomaly node

Anomaly detection models are used to identify outliers, or unusual cases, in the data. Unlike other modeling methods that store rules about unusual cases, anomaly detection models store information on what normal behavior looks like. This makes it possible to identify outliers even if they do not conform to any known pattern, and it can be particularly useful in applications, such as fraud detection, where new patterns may constantly be emerging. Anomaly detection is an unsupervised method, which means that it does not require a training dataset containing known cases of fraud to use as a starting point.

While traditional methods of identifying outliers generally look at one or two variables at a time, anomaly detection can examine large numbers of fields to identify clusters or peer groups into which similar records fall. Each record can then be compared to others in its peer group to identify possible anomalies. The further away a case is from the normal center, the more likely it is to be unusual. For example, the algorithm might lump records into three distinct clusters and flag those that fall far from the center of any one cluster.

Each record is assigned an anomaly index, which is the ratio of the group deviation index to its average over the cluster that the case belongs to. The larger the value of this index, the more deviation the case has than the average. Under the usual circumstance, cases with anomaly index values less than 1 or even 1.5 would not be considered as anomalies, because the deviation is just about the same or a bit more than the average. However, cases with an index value greater than 2 could be good anomaly candidates because the deviation is at least twice the average.

Anomaly detection is an exploratory method designed for quick detection of unusual cases or records that should be candidates for further analysis. These should be regarded as suspected anomalies, which, on closer examination, may or may not turn out to be real. You may find that a record is perfectly valid but choose to screen it from the data for purposes of model building. Alternatively, if the algorithm repeatedly turns up false anomalies, this may point to an error or artifact in the data collection process.

Note that anomaly detection identifies unusual records or cases through cluster analysis based on the set of fields selected in the model without regard for any specific target (dependent) field and regardless of whether those fields are relevant to the pattern you are trying to predict. For this reason, you may want to use anomaly detection in combination with feature selection or another technique for screening and ranking fields. For example, you can use feature selection to identify the most important fields relative to a specific target and then use anomaly detection to locate the records that are the most unusual with respect to those fields. (An alternative approach would be to build a decision tree model and then examine any misclassified records as potential anomalies. However, this method would be more difficult to replicate or automate on a large scale.)

Example. In screening agricultural development grants for possible cases of fraud, anomaly detection can be used to discover deviations from the norm, highlighting those records that are abnormal and worthy of further investigation. You are particularly interested in grant applications that seem to claim too much (or too little) money for the type and size of farm.

Requirements. One or more input fields. Note that only fields with a role set to Input using a source or Type node can be used as inputs. Target fields (role set to Target or Both) are ignored.

Strengths. By flagging cases that do not conform to a known set of rules rather than those that do, Anomaly Detection models can identify unusual cases even when they don't follow previously known patterns. When used in combination with feature selection, anomaly detection makes it possible to screen large amounts of data to identify the records of greatest interest relatively quickly.

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