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End-to-end samples: Industry accelerators

End-to-end samples: Industry accelerators

The industry accelerators provided by IBM are a set of end-to-end solutions that you can run as examples or customize them to address common business issues.

Overview of industry accelerators

Each industry accelerator is designed to help you solve a specific business problem, whether it's predicting how customers will respond to a promotion or understanding customer attrition. Browse the accelerators in the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service Resource hub and download the ones you want.

Most accelerators include a Sample project with everything you need to analyze data, build a model, and display results. The sample projects include detailed instructions, data sets, Jupyter notebooks, models, and R Shiny applications. Most accelerators also include business terms for data governance. Use these sample projects as templates for your own data science needs to learn specific techniques, or to demonstrate the capabilities of Watson Studio and other Cloud Pak for Data as a Service services.

The process of using an industry accelerator is illustrated in this graphic.

Industry accelerator process

Sample project for an accelerator

When you download an accelerator, you get a project that contains the assets that you need to build and train the models that are associated with the accelerator.


Data scientists or business analysts who analyze data and build models to solve business problems.


A typical accelerator contains the following:

  • A readme file that provides instructions.
  • CSV files that contain the sample data.
  • Python 3.7 notebooks to train and score the models and associated Python scripts to prepare and transform the data for modeling. The notebooks create API endpoints to expose the output for the R Shiny application.
  • Machine learning models that are designed to help you find answers to the business problems described by the accelerator.
  • (Some accelerators) An interactive dashboard to show the results of the model.


All accelerators that have sample projects require the Watson Studio service and one or more of these services:

  • Watson Machine Learning
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog

Accelerators for financial services

Industry Accelerators for financial services
Industry accelerator Description
Financial Markets Customer Attrition Prediction Provides a set of sample data science assets and a structured set of business terms that help you to predict which customers will leave.
Financial Markets Customer Offer Affinity Predicts which products the customer is most likely to consider or require next to purchase.
Financial Markets Customer Segmentation Assigns customers to specific groups, based on their lifestyle and behavioral patterns.
Financial Markets Customer Life Event Prediction Use the Financial Markets Customer Life Event Prediction accelerator to set your clients on the path to financial success with relevant offers at the right time. The accelerator includes business terms, a set of sample data science assets, and a sample dashboard to visualize the results.
Sales Prediction using Weather Company Data Optimize your company's sales organization capabilities by training a model to predict sales based on weather. The accelerator includes business terms and categories, a set of sample data science assets, and a sample dashboard to visualize the results.
Retail customer retention Use customer satisfaction surveys to predict customer churn and come up with retention strategies.

Accelerators for utility and energy sector

Industry Accelerators for utility and energy sector
Industry accelerator name Description
Utilities Customer Attrition Prediction Provides likely causes of customer attrition.
Utilities Customer Micro-Segmentation Assigns customers to specific groups, based on their lifestyle and behavioral patterns.
Utilities Demand Response Program Propensity Which customers should be offered the opportunity to enroll in the Demand Response Program? Use the Utilities Demand Response Program Propensity accelerator to jump-start your analysis. The accelerator includes business terms, a set of sample data science assets, and a sample RStudio dashboard to visualize the results.
Utilities Payment Risk Prediction Use the Utilities Payment Risk Prediction accelerator to proactively engage with customers at risk of missing payments. The accelerator includes business terms, a set of sample data science assets, and a sample dashboard to visualize the results

Accelerators for other categories

Industry Accelerators for other categories
Industry accelerator name Description
Comments organizer project allow companies to view comments in a more organized manner and to more easily view customers' specific positive or negative feedback.
Effective farming project Supports effective farming by monitoring crop growth using crop guide and provide timely alert to farmers about weather change, possible development of crop disease, evaporation of fungicide, and efficient use of solar panels (agrivoltaics support).
Insurance Loss Estimation using Remote Sensing Uses remote sensing flooding data to assist with assessing insurance claims.
Hospital readmission project Predicts hospital readmission rate of patients by using patient data.
Monitor Amazon SageMaker model using Watson Openscale This project shows how to use the endpoint generated from Deploy an IBM Watson Studio Model on Amazon SageMaker to demonstrate how to monitor the AWS deployment with Watson OpenScale.

Parent topic: Getting started

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