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Authoring business terms

Authoring business terms

You create business terms to define business concepts. Business terms are governance artifacts that you create within a category.

Required permissions You must have one of these category collaborator roles in a category to create a business term in that category:

  • Admin
  • Owner
  • Editor
  • A custom role with the permission to create business terms.

The following description can give you deeper insights into:


The name of a business term can be up to 255 characters long. It cannot contain any lower-than (<) symbols.

Primary category

The primary category identifies the business term.

If you have two categories, the employee category and the customer category, and both of them require the same business term gender, you define this business term once and then assign it to categories, for example, the primary category of this business term would be employee category and the secondary category would be customer category. In this case the business term gender is defined once and relates to both categories.

Secondary categories

Secondary categories can include business terms, but do not control them. A business term can be referenced by one or more secondary categories other than its primary category. See Adding secondary categories.


If available, you can edit custom properties on the business term that provide additional information. If any custom relationship types are defined, they are also shown here. Inverse relationships show up in the other artifact after you publish the artifact where you created the relationship.

To create custom properties, go to Administration > Configuration and settings and then select Asset and artifact definition. Alternatively, you can use the IBM Knowledge Catalog API.

Not all IBM Knowledge Catalog plans provide the option to have custom relationships on business terms.

Related terms

Related terms define relationships among business terms, synonyms, or other business terms. You can also define the type and part of relationships. The related term that you select must be published.

Required permissions You must have one of these category collaborator roles in the primary categories for both business terms to add a relationship between them:

  • Admin

  • Owner

  • Editor

  • A custom role with the permission to edit business terms.

  • Synonyms
    Select synonyms that you want to associate with a business term. A term can have multiple synonym terms. The relationship is not symmetrical and transitive. If term A is a synonym of term B, and term B is a synonym of term C, terms A and C are not automatically synonyms.

    If you include this business term in a rule condition, its synonym is not automatically included. You must specify it in the rule condition if you want to process it too.

  • Other related business terms
    Select related business terms that you want to associate with a business term. A business term can be related to other business terms.

    • Specify the type of relationships for the business term you are currently processing:
    Type of relationship Description Example Inverse relationship
    Is a type of The current business term can be expressed as a conceptual instance of another term which is typically broader in scope. Click the plus icon to add a business term.

    Click Show hierarchy to view the type of relationships of the business terms and to emphasize the dimension or usage of the terms. Click Show list to return to the list of business terms you have added to this type of relationship.

    If the current business term is Home Loan, for example, the broader term is Loan.

    You can specify the following type of relationship: Home Loan is a type of Loan.

    Similarly, a car loan and a student loan are also types of the broader term Loan.
    This means that these terms, Car Loan and Student Loan, can also be specified to have the Is a type of relationship with the broader term Loan.
    The Is a type of relationship is the inverse of the Has a type of relationship.
    Has a type of The current business term is a broader term which can have narrower terms or subtypes as conceptual instances. If the current business term is Loan, for example, the corresponding narrower term or subtype is Home Loan.

    You can specify the following type of relationship: Loan has a type of Home Loan. Car Loan and Student Loan are additional examples of narrower terms.
    The Has a type of relationship is the inverse of the Is a type of relationship.

    The following figure illustrates the Is a type of and Has a type of relationships with the example of Loan:

    Is a type of and Has a type of relationships

    • Specify the part of relationship for the business term you are currently processing:
    Part of relationship Description Example Inverse relationship
    Is a part of The current business term is a component of, a part of, an attribute of, or a member of another term. If the current business term is Home Loan, for example, the terms Hybrid Rate, Fees, and Margin are attributes of a Home Loan.

    In this case, each of the terms Hybrid Rate, Fees, and Margin is a part of the term Home Loan.
    The Is a part of relationship is the inverse of the Has a part of relationship.
    Has a part of Specify a term, which is a component of, a part of, an attribute of, or a member of the current business term. The terms Hybrid Rate, Fees, and Margin are, for example, attributes of the current business term Home Loan.

    In this case, you can specify Home Loan has a part of relationship with the terms Hybrid Rate, Fees, and Margin.
    The Has a part of relationship is the inverse of the Is a part of relationship.

    The following figure illustrates the Is a part of and Has a part of relationships with the example of Home Loan:

    Is a part of and Has a part of relationships

    An example for specifying relationships: If you specify a relationship, the inverse of this relationship is automatically implemented.

    For example, if term A has the following components: term B and term C, the following relationships apply:

    Terms Relationships Terms
    A Has a part of B, C
    B, C Is a part of A

    If term X is a broader term that includes the following narrower terms: term Y and term Z, the following relationships apply:

    Terms Relationships Terms
    X Has a type of Y, Z
    Y, Z Is a type of X

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