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Oracle Database for DataStage connection

Oracle Database for DataStage connection

To access your data with the Oracle Database for DataStage connection, create a connection asset for it. This connection works with the DataStage Oracle Database for DataStage connector, which has exclusive features for DataStage.

Oracle is a multi-model database management system.

Supported versions

  • Amazon RDS for Oracle

  • Oracle Database 23c

  • Oracle Database 21c

  • Oracle Database 19c

  • Oracle Database 18c

  • Oracle Database 12.2.0 and 12.1.0

  • Oracle Database 11.2.0

Create a connection to Oracle with the Oracle Database for DataStage connection

To create the connection asset, you need these connection details:

  • Hostname or IP address
  • Port number
  • Service name or Database (SID)


  • Username and password

Choose the method for creating a connection based on where you are in the platform

In a project
Click Assets > New asset > Connect to a data source. See Adding a connection to a project.
In a deployment space
Click Import assets > Data access > Connection. See Adding data assets to a deployment space.
In the Platform assets catalog
Click New connection. See Adding platform connections.

Next step: Add data assets from the connection

Where you can use this connection

You can use the Oracle Database for DataStage connection in the following workspaces and tools:



  • Platform assets catalog

Oracle setup

Oracle installation

Running SQL statements

To ensure that your SQL statements run correctly, refer to the Oracle Supported SQL Syntax and Functions for the correct syntax.

Learn more

Oracle product documentation

Related connections:

Parent topic: Supported connections

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