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Oracle connection

Oracle connection

To access your data in Oracle, create a connection asset for it.

Oracle is a multi-model database management system.

Supported versions

  • Oracle Database 19c and 21c

Create a connection to Oracle

To create the connection asset, you need the following connection details:

  • Service name or Database (SID)

  • Hostname or IP address

  • Port number

  • Username and password

  • SSL certificate (if required by the database server)

  • Alternate servers: A list of alternate database servers to use for failover for new or lost connections.
    Syntax: (servername1[:port1][;property=value[;...]][,servername2[:port2][;property=value[;...]]]...)

    The server name (servername1, servername2, and so on) is required for each alternate server entry. The port number (port1, port2, and so on) and the connection properties (property=value) are optional for each alternate server entry. If the port is unspecified, the port number of the primary server is used.

    If the port number of the primary server is not specified, the default port number 1521 is used.

    The optional connection properties are the ServiceName and SID.

  • Metadata discovery: The setting determines whether comments on columns (remarks) and aliases for schema objects such as tables or views (synonyms) are retrieved when assets are added by using this connection.

For Private connectivity, to connect to a database that is not externalized to the internet (for example, behind a firewall), you must set up a secure connection.

Choose the method for creating a connection based on where you are in the platform

In a project
Click Assets > New asset > Connect to a data source. See Adding a connection to a project.
In a catalog
Click Add to catalog > Connection. See Adding a connection asset to a catalog.
In a deployment space
Click Import assets > Data access > Connection. See Adding data assets to a deployment space.
In the Platform assets catalog
Click New connection. See Adding platform connections.

Next step: Add data assets from the connection

Where you can use this connection

You can use Oracle connections in the following workspaces and tools:


  • Data quality rules (IBM Knowledge Catalog)
  • Data Replication (Data Replication service). You can replicate data from Oracle to other databases using Data Replication. For more information, see Replicating Oracle data.
  • Data Refinery (Watson Studio or IBM Knowledge Catalog)
  • DataStage (DataStage service). For more information, see Connecting to a data source in DataStage. The Oracle Database for DataStage connection gives you increased performance and more features such as before and after SQL statements and reject links. However, you cannot use the Oracle Database for DataStage connection outside of the DataStage service.
  • Decision Optimization (Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning)
  • Metadata enrichment (IBM Knowledge Catalog)
  • Metadata import (IBM Knowledge Catalog)
  • SPSS Modeler (Watson Studio)


  • Platform assets catalog

  • Other catalogs (IBM Knowledge Catalog)

Watson Query service
You can connect to this data source from Watson Query.

Oracle setup

Oracle installation

Running SQL statements

To ensure that your SQL statements run correctly, refer to the Oracle Supported SQL Syntax and Functions for the correct syntax.

Learn more

Oracle product documentation

Parent topic: Supported connections

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