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Managing existing metadata imports

Managing existing metadata imports

After you create a metadata import asset, you can view, edit, or delete the metadata import asset, and you can rerun an import.

Manage existing metadata imports:

You can also perform these tasks with APIs instead of the user interface. The links to these APIs are listed in the Learn more section.

Required permissions

To manage and rerun a metadata import, you must have these roles and permissions:

  • The Admin or the Editor role in the project.
  • The Admin or the Editor role in the catalog to which you want to import or publish the assets.
  • Access to the connections to the data sources of the data assets to be imported and the SELECT or a similar permission on the corresponding databases.

Viewing the metadata import

Metadata import assets are listed in the Metadata imports section of the Assets page. To view an asset, click its name or select View from the asset's action menu.

When you view the metadata import asset, you can see the list of assets imported with a run of the associated import job. You can work with these assets, edit the metadata import, or rerun the import.

For each imported asset, you can see the following information:

  • The asset name, which provides a link to the asset in the project or catalog.
  • The asset type, such as Data, and the format, such as Relational table.
  • The asset context, such as the parent or file path.
  • The date and time that the asset was last imported.
  • The import status, which can be Imported for successfully imported data, In progress, or Removed if the asset couldn't be reimported. See Rerunning the import.

You can view additional information for an asset, publish it to a catalog (not in projects marked as sensitive), or delete the asset. When you delete an asset from the list of imported assets, it is deleted from the project or catalog to which it was imported but not from the metadata import scope. You can publish or delete a set of assets by selecting the assets individually or by using the Select all or Select all on page option.

You can work with imported data assets in exactly the same way as with connected data assets. Imported assets have a tag automatically assigned that reflects the asset's parent if applicable.

The About this metadata import side panel provides a summary of the import configuration, job details, and a list of related assets. To hide the details, click the information icon.

To edit the metadata import asset, click Edit metadata import. You can change these configuration settings:

  • Metadata import asset details such as the asset name, the description, or tags. Note that changing the asset name does not change the name of the associated import job. You cannot change the connection or the import target. You cannot change the data source definition.
  • The data scope.
  • The schedule.
  • The advanced import options.

Rerunning the import

If you did not configure a schedule, you can manually rerun the metadata import at any time in several ways:

  • Open the metadata import asset and select Reimport assets.
  • Open the metadata import asset and click the job name in the About this metadata import side panel, which takes you to the job page. Click the run icon on this page.
  • Go to the project's Jobs page and run the import job from there.
Note: The user who reimports assets must have the Admin or Editor collaborator role on the connection asset in the target catalog.

Reimporting refreshes the asset information. Existing assets are updated, which means, any content changes are merged. New assets in the data source might be added, depending on the defined scope. If you removed an asset from the metadata import asset, project, or catalog, the asset in question is imported again unless you removed it from the scope.

Assets that were removed from the data scope or deleted from the data source after the last import can't be reimported. By default, the status of such assets is set to Removed, but no assets are deleted from the target project or catalog. To clean up the target project or catalog, you can choose to delete assets that are no longer available in the data source or assets that were removed from the import scope on reimport.

When you reimport assets, the asset status might incorrectly be set to Removed with the reason The asset was deleted from the data source. This can be due to connectivity issues during the reimport. Depending on the metadata import settings for reimport, such assets might be deleted from the target project or catalog. Rerun the import at a later time, either manually or through a scheduled reimport. When the connection is restored, the assets are imported again.

By default, all asset properties are updated when assets are reimported. However, you can configure a metadata import to skip updating any of these properties: asset name, asset description, column description

Depending on the outcome of the metadata import job run, a completion message or an error notification is displayed.

A completion message is displayed when the job run completed successfully, completed with warnings, or completed with errors. An error notification is displayed if the entire job run failed. Either type of notification contains a link to the job run log that provides details about the specific job run.

Deleting a metadata import asset

You can delete a metadata import asset from a project in one of these ways:

  • Select the Delete option from the overflow menu for the asset on the project Assets page.
  • Open the asset and select Delete from the overflow menu next to the asset name.

The metadata import configuration and its associated metadata import job are deleted. Assets in the project or a catalog that were imported with this metadata import asset are not affected.

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